Top 3 Game Engines 2020

So you want to become a game developer but you don't know which game engine you should choose to create your game,because there are tons of out there that you can choose from well in this article.

I'm going to give you three game engines that are going to be the best game engines in 2020.

So let's get started !!

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 At the first place and again in no particular order I'm going to mention Unity game engine you've probably heard of that if you try to type game development you probably saw some unity tutorials and there's a lot of speculation that is the most popular Game engine well it's between unity and Unreal Engine but again it's not about that.

Why is Unity game engine good?

   Well first of all because of the community and the support that it has it's probably the game engine that has most tutorials and online courses out there where you can learn how to create games using that engine.

It also uses c-sharp a programming language that we are going to utilize it inside of unity to create scripts that you attach on game objects and make the move and interact with your game and so on and so forth and c-sharp is a very powerful language if you learn how to code in c-sharp for unity even later on if you don't want to continue creating games and you want to create something else desktop apps or mobile apps or whatever you can transfer that same knowledge into that field because it's transferable it's object-oriented programming so the same principles c-sharp is also a very good language.

When it comes to speed and performance in games on the other hand, unity also is a cross-platform engine.

 You can publish your game on any platforms by using unity just building your game once of course.You will have to tweak settings like the movement and what not to correspond to the correct platform so you will give right commands and write code for your clear to move for example in mobile and then to move in desktop and then console and so on and so forth.

Unity also has a good graphic systems and it's getting better and better every single time because when it comes to unity and unreal people when they compare them they usually say unreal has better graphics but again this is not even comparison but I'm just saying that unity has much better graphics that it had like three years five years ago so you can create really really cool games.

Unity is very flexible it has a very good tool line toolset for you to create 2d as well as 3d games and many popular mobile games out there are created using unity.


  The second game engine and again not in any particular order is Unreal Engine and Unreal Engine is older than the Internet itself probably the very first games you played on your computer are created in unreal engine comparison to unity uses C++ and C++ is a faster language when it comes to performance in video games but it's also a harder language to learn because it still is an object-oriented programming language like C sharp is but there are a few differences between now an Unreal Engine.

You get incredible graphics it's known by that you can create like hyper realistic seams that look like from the future from the movies from the videos that you watch that are like super super high in FX you can do that in Unreal Engine.


     The third game engine and that's like the baby game engine that's upcoming and taking everything by storm GODOT .Godot is a very good game engine,GD script is very very similar to Python so if some of you guys have coded in Python it's a very similar language now which games can you create using this engine well.
 You can create both 2d and 3d games.


  So basically these are the three game engines i prefer and which ones I recommend ,To complete beginners for you to start with I recommend either Unreal or unity.

I'm not saying this engine is better than this one I'm saying which one is easier for you to start and which has some what better tools that you can use to create your desired games but if you just want to learn the basics of game development starting out how to create a game what goes into creating games on and so forth you can use the Gotdot.

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