How to earn money for selling free products

What is up you guys? It's stunning here you're all looking lovely today!
How you guys doing? we are great and I hope you fine too.

So in this article guys we gonna be showing you how to make money giving away free stuff.So I don't think you might have word of this anywhere and we are going to be using Clickbank.

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 This is one of the legit platforms out there to make money online so you don't have to worry about like whether this is going to be any kind of scam where you can't make money at all. So now without further ado let's get into it.

So now how are you going to make money giving away free stuff ? It might sound too good to be true but you can make money with this. I'm going to be showing you how that method works.


Some of you might know about Clickbank some of you might not know about Clickbank so this is a platform where they have lots and lots of digital products and this is one of the best platforms for affiliate marketers.


They have digital products and also some physical products so you can promote whatever products we want related to your niche and like when someone buys those product clicking on your affiliate link you can be getting a commission so this is how affiliate marketing works and this is a Clickbank works.


 So if you want to create an account you want to go to their official site and you can create an account so it's going to be all simple information you just have to put in your general details and like your bank information and also you just have to create an account for that you have to give your username and your password and all that so that's the signup process so it's pretty simple to get started so once you created your account so you can go to the marketplace.


Click on the marketplace this is where you can find loads of affiliate products in different niches ok so you can get into whatever niche you want so if you have a youtube channel or if you have a website and if you want to do Affiliate marketing you can choose a product which you think that might sell well which you think that your audience might be interested in because you know your audience you know like what they like and what they will be interested in so according to that you can promote our product.


 So now how this method works and how are you going to make money giving away free stuff is just type "FREE GIVEAWAY" in the search bar.When you do that all the stuff which has all these free giveaways will come up.
You can check out which product is there related to your niche and you can promote them.

So when you just give something for free your audience be interested in that if someone is giving something to you for free you want to take it guys so that's how your audience too will feel. If you're giving something for free you will gain people's trust so people will start to trust you and also like if they were like if they really like the product that you gave away for free they will even go for the upsell.

So if people buy the bigger package from your referral link you're going to be getting a commission.

 If we give free giveaways, the people will start to trust us and if the vendor have a more bigger product they will like okay this person gave so many things for free so why not I buy the bigger package? In that mentality many people will buy the upsell and they will buy the bigger product so when they buy the bigger product that is when you're going to be getting a commission.

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Thats how you can earn money by selling free products via clickbank.

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