How to be successful in life 2020

I would encourage you to start your online business to do whatever you want when you are in college itself,because you have lots of time.

 When you are at college you spend a lot of time to enjoy go out with your friends but if you want to be successful and want to be an entrepreneur,Present is the right time to start . Because now you've got enough time.

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College is all about studying and theory and all that but how are you going to implement that in your life so even with engineering we find people are doing engineering and but by the time they finish engineering they just go get an IT job or whatever .


The way the world is going now you know so you need to establish yourself .Whatever you're good at and whatever you're passionate about find your passion start your work  start to think like an entrepreneur.When you are in college itself take pictures or whatever try to establish yourself in that field find some time to grow your passion  find some time to establish.

The right time to start is  by the time you finished college you'll be in a really good position and you'll be really feeling proud about yourself .

If you are good with any social media establish yourself in any of the social media platform then build it from there.

Just listen to your heart and see what you are good at you might be good with music or videography ,go with what your heart tells.


Recently there are so many social media platforms that are coming up so if you think you're good at anything just establish yourself and become an influencer then influence people from that you can promote products and you can make money you can create your own product and you can make money through that.

There are so many opportunities out there you will get brand deals, you get sponsorships and all that and you can just create your own beauty line clothing line and all sorts of things.


 There's going to be opportunities so as a college student you have time that's the thing that you'll never get back.

Just enjoying your life and like once you create everything then you can enjoy your life.That's how you want it .

Taking action on your dreams.

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